Tag: community

The Prince’s Countryside Fund allows Pub is The Hub’s move into the Scottish Borders

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The Prince’s Countryside Fund has announced a £25,000 grant for Pub is The Hub as part of a £650,000 investment initiative in rural initiatives for 2015. The funding will create a new pilot project for 12 months in the Scottish Borders to identify priority areas…

The Raven Inn, Llanarmon

Village pub identified as key to rural cohesion

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In a new academic research project the authors have concluded that rural pubs play a significant role within local communities and it clearly identifies pubs as the main centres for social activities and engagement, in a context frequently characterised by reduced facilities and opportunities. The…

Waterfront Inn, Diss, Norfolk

South Norfolk announces its annual Community Pub of The Year

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The Waterfront at Diss has been awarded the accolade of South Norfolk Community Pub of The Year 2014. Situated in the vibrant town of Diss overlooking the Mere, licensees Stuart and Sarah Carpenter run this Greene King managed house, ably assisted by their daughter Jess…